We see this, for instance, with extreme weather events such as droughts and floods and the serious risk they post to Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) infrastructure and access.
This session is part of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development’s (ICCAD) ‘South Asia Regional Hub’ conference and will discuss how we should re-imagine WASH under conditions of climatic uncertainty to ensure just, inclusive, and sustainable outcomes.
This session focuses on the intersection of climate justice with water and sanitation justice. The speakers will draw on their research in South Asia from the IDS-led Towards Brown Gold project and beyond, to deliberate on:
- Blind spots in the climate change and WASH debate
- Sector priorities for COP 28 and beyond
- Shilpi Srivastava: Research Fellow, IDS (Chair)
- Roshni Sumitra: Research Officer, IDS
- NC Narayanan: Professor, Indian Institute of Technology – Bombay
- Seema Kulkarni: Senior Fellow, SOPPECOM
- Prabha Pokhrel: Institutional Development Expert, Integrated Development Society, Nepal
- Sabitri Tripathi: Professor of Chemistry, Nepal Engineering College
- Shibaji Bose: Participatory Arts and Visual Approach Consultant
- James Ebdon: Professor Environmental Microbiology, University of Brighton
- Ruhil Iyer: Research Officer, IDS