European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day: Statement by President von der Leyen, Vice-President Jourová and Commissioner Dalli

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In 2015, the European Parliament declared 2 August the annual "European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day" to commemorate the 500,000 Roma – representing at least a quarter of their total population at that time – murdered in Nazi-occupied Europe. Sunday, 2nd of August, was commemorated to remember the victims belonging to ROMA communities who were exterminated during the holocaust.

Fix the US Healthcare System

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In one of the world's richest countries we do not have adequate healthcare coverage for all. This piece is about my four year journey in navigating healthcare since coming back to the US from Nepal in August 2016.

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 30 July

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Working on the front lines to end human trafficking This year, we will focus on the first responders to human trafficking. These are the people who work in different sectors - identifying, supporting, counselling and seeking justice for victims of trafficking, and challenging the impunity of the traffickers.

Australia: Coalition of Peaks release landmark report on community engagements shaping new National Agreement on Closing the Gap

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The Coalition of Peaks today released a ground-breaking report on the 2019 community engagements with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about their views on what should be included in the new National Agreement on Closing the Gap. The report is called, ‘A report on engagements with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to inform a new National Agreement on Closing the Gap’.

Update Regarding Phase-1 Classification Reassessment Process (IWBF)

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The International Wheelchair Basketball Federation was forced by the International Paralympic committee to revise its classification rules that categorize the players according to their level of mobility. Many players with higher levels of mobility risk to be excluded from the game.


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The Australian Government released a new "Closing the Gap" agreement focused on empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and it might be a game-changer with new targets and new approach.

Gavi helps immunise 65 million children in 2019, though COVID-19 puts progress under pressure

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New analysis of WHO/UNICEF data by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, shows the gap in vaccine coverage between Gavi-supported lower-income countries and wealthier countries has shrunk to record lows. Coverage for newer vaccines, such as those that tackle pneumonia and diarrhoea, now higher in Gavi-supported countries than the global average


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The 2020 Echoing Green Fellows come from across the globe, working in seven different countries and territories (India, Ghana, Kenya, Zambia, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, and the United States) and U.S. cities including Dallas, Chicago, Little Rock, and New York City. Echoing Green selected the 13 talented winners from a pool of 3,134 applicants working in 161 countries after a 10-month vetting process.

Defending Tomorrow The climate crisis and threats against land and environmental defenders (Global Witness)

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For years, land and environmental defenders have been the first line of defence against climate breakdown. Yet despite clearer evidence than ever of the crucial role they play, far too many businesses, financiers and governments fail to safeguard their vital and peaceful work.

Rating World Leaders report, GALLUP (PRESS RELEASE)

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Each year, Gallup releases the Rating World Leaders report, which details the rise -- or fall -- in the job approval ratings of the world's leading powers in more than 130 countries and areas, where the biggest gains and losses came from and how each country stacks up in different parts of the globe.
