Applications for the Young Champions of the Earth awards are now open! Apply before 5 April 2024

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Young Champions of the Earth is the flagship youth engagement initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The award is bestowed annually to ambitious young people from around the world with outstanding ideas to protect and restore the environment.

Accelerating the shift from fossil fuels to clean energy: fossil to clean campaign

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The Fossil to Clean campaign is a global movement of businesses going from fossil fuels to clean solutions. Those that take action to phase out fossil fuels will help send a clear market signal that will lead energy suppliers, capital providers and governments to accelerate the provision of affordable, reliable and safe alternatives.

Media Release: New Study Finds Corporate Net Zero Plans Failing to Meet International Standards

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A comprehensive study of the net zero pledges of ten prominent Australian companies has shown that they are lagging behind global best practice and largely lack scientific rigour.

Freedoms Denied as the World Enters a Consequential Year of Elections

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Freedom in the World 2024 finds that global freedom declined for the 18th consecutive year in 2023. The breadth and depth of the deterioration were extensive—political rights and civil liberties diminished in 52 countries and improved in only 21.

Don’t miss the 27th World Volunteer Conference in Busan!

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Start your new year off by making plans to attend the biggest volunteering event of 2024! The 27th IAVE World Volunteer Conference will be held 22-25 October 2024 in Busan, South Korea, hosted by the Busan Metropolitan City Volunteer Center.

Global Campaign for Education: Intergrating Gender in Education Learning Brief

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This learning brief captures lessons from the capacity-building workshop organised by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) on Integrating Gender in Education.

Cancel the Debt for Climate Justice

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National debts have been growing in recent years, and 54 countries are now in crisis. The crushing weight of those debts mean that many countries can’t rebuild when hit by disasters such as floods and hurricanes, have little room to adapt or transition to a greener economy and are being forced to go into more debt to pay for the crisis.

International Wheelchair Day, 1st March, 2024

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International Wheelchair Day is always 1st March and is an annual day of events and activities which take place around the World when wheelchair users celebrate the positive impact a wheelchair has on their lives.

FOREST 500: Major companies and financial institutions are persistently ignoring their role in driving deforestation

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Global Canopy’s 10th annual Forest 500 report reveals, despite some pockets of progress, voluntary private sector action has failed to generate meaningful progress on commodity-driven deforestation.
