Here the session for the 20th of May:
May 20
Session Title | 4.7. We The Peoples: Three proposals for a more democratic UN |
Key Organizer |
Democracy Without Borders (DWB) in collaboration with Democracy International, CIVICUS, Coalition for the UN We Need (C4UN), and Together First |
Date / Time | 20 May 2021 / 18:00-19:30 KST (GMT+9) |
Modality / Language | Virtual / English |
Objectives | To strengthen representation and participation of citizens and civil society at the UN |
Main Topics & Issues to be addressed | Global democratic deficit and and ways to address it
Reference documents / materials |
Background |
The session will discuss the democratic deficit of the UN and three proposals to mitigate the problem: a UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) to improve citizen representation, a UN World Citizens’ Initiative (UNWCI) to strengthen citizen participation and the office of a UN Civil Society Envoy to strengthen civil society involvement. These three proposals are featured in the joint civil society statement on inclusive global governance published on 23 April 2021 at wethepeoples.org |
Speakers |
2. The GDF is the new name to replace the Gwangju Asia Forum which started in 1999 in order to regenerate the energy and reshape the vision in the context of the emerging challenges to democracy in Asia and the world as recently illustrated in Hong Kong, Thailand and Myanmar in Asia as well as other continents including the United States and some European countries.
3. The GDF 2021 is organized by the May 18 Foundation in partnership with international and domestic civil society organizations and public institutions in South Korea with financial support from the Metropolitan City of Gwangju. An international working group is to formed with several key partner organizations prior to the GDF in order to develop common agenda and action plans.
4. The GDF will take place for 5 days from 17 to 21 May (Monday to Friday) 2021 during Gwangju Democracy Week in a hybrid and virtual manner. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all overseas participants will be invited to join the GDF virtually while some participants in South Korea will be invited to attend the sessions physically in Gwangju.
5. The specific objectives of the GDF 2021 are i) to assess the emerging threats and challenges to democracy movement nationally and internationally, ii) to develop common agenda for join action based on shared understanding and analysis and iii) to contribute to a stronger international networking and coalition-building among democracy advocates and organizations,
6. Under the theme “COVID-19 and Glocal Democracy - Impact, Challenges and Opportunities”, about 18 thematic sessions are to be organized under the 5 thematic clusters which are i) State Violence, Impunity and Transitional Justice, ii) Democratization Movement in Asia iii) Open, Inclusive and Participatory Democracy, iv) New Challenges and Opportunities for Democracy and v) Democrazation Movement and Civil Society
5 Thematic Clusters for GDF 2021
Overall Theme | COVID-19 and Glocal Democracy – Impact, Challenges and Opportunities |
5 Thematic Cluster | A. State Violence, Impunity, and Transitional Justice B. Democratization Movement in Asia – Threats and Challenges C. Open, Inclusive and Participatory Democracy D. New Challenges and Opportunities for Democracy E. Democratization Movement and Civil Society |
7. The GDF 2021 is expected to be more global in scope, participatory in process, and action-oriented in outcome in order to tackle the new challenges to democracy movement today. Through an open call for application, more CSOs and groups will be invited to join the GDF, and concrete action agenda with campaign strategies will be discussed and adopted for follow-up action plans.
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