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About UN PAGE: https://www.un-page.org/ Partnership for Action for Green Economy
Leaders from the United Nations, national governments, private sector and prominent institutions come together during the 2020 High Level Political Forum to discuss the future of the Decade of Action in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. Now more than ever, the world is in need of an economic transformation – one that promotes both the sustainable well-being of individuals and of the environment in tandem. The choices that policymakers, businesses and individuals make now will determine if we prosper and accelerate a more sustainable world, or not. As we embark upon the United Nations’ Decade of Action, the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) is gearing up its support for the implementation of the SDGs by 2030.
This event will feature high-level conversation on a renewed commitment towards the Sustainable Development Goals and climate and biodiversity targets, highlighting the ways in which an inclusive green economic recovery can support the Decade of Action.

Moderation by
Nozipho Tshabalala Conversation Strategist and Global Moderator

Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter
Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany

Omar Paganini
Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, Uruguay

Arifin Rudiyanto
Deputy Minister for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Development Planning, Indonesia
Moulay Hafid Elalamy
Minister of Industry, Trade and green Digital Economy
Kingdom of Morocco
Sveinung Rotevatn
Minister of Climate and Environment, Norway, and President, United Nations Environment Assembly
Claudio Moroni
Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Argentina
Barbara Creecy
Minister of Forestry and Fisheries and Environmental Affairs of the Republic of South Africa
Inger Andersen
Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme
Guy Ryder
Director-General, International Labour Organization
LI Yong
Director-General, United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Nikhil Seth
Executive Director, United Nations Institute for Training and Research
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