First Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting on the proposed Digital Solutions Centre for Sustainable Development

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The Astana Declaration requested the ESCAP secretariat to interalia, commission an independent feasibility study on the role, structure and financing of the proposed digital solutions centre for sustainable development to be established in Kazakhstan, and establish an ad hoc working group, open to all members and associate members, with online participation available, to review in a transparent manner the outcome of the independent feasibility study and recommend a roadmap for strengthening the sharing of practical digital solutions for the Asia-Pacific region, while recognizing the need to avoid duplication of efforts vis-à-vis other regional institutions of the Commission and specialized organizations, and to report on its progress to the Commission at its eighty-first session. The Astana Ministerial Declaration further directs members of the ad hoc Working Group to review in a transparent manner the outcome of the independent feasibility study and recommend a road map for strengthening the sharing of practical digital solutions for the Asia-Pacific region.

The Centre aims to serve as a regional hub for sharing digital solutions and best practices, with a particular focus on supporting developing countries in their digital transformation journeys.
After the review of the outcomes of the independent feasibility study, the Ad Hoc Working Group will propose recommendations for a roadmap for strengthening the sharing of practical digital solutions for the Asia-Pacific region.

Provisional agenda
1. Opening of the meeting.
2. Election of officers.
3. Presentation of the preliminary findings of the independent feasibility study.
4. Statements by members of the Ad Hoc Working Group
5. Other matters.

Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good