EVENT: SDG 12 Hub virtual launch at the HLPF | One Planet Network
The Hub consolidates and visualizes the results of national reporting on SDG 12 indicators, making these publicly available, allowing Member States to browse progress on SDG 12 by country or by individual targets at global and regional level.
The UN custodian agencies of SDG 12 have developed The SDG 12 Hub as part of a broader inter-agency collaboration to streamline methodologies and processes. Through this collaboration the custodian agencies are making SDG 12 and SCP accessible and transparent to governments and others, in terms of measuring progress on the SDGs, nationally tracking SCP progress and accessing solutions to deliver on the 2030 Agenda.
Launch event
The event will present the SDG 12 Hub as a key tool for: making progress on SDG 12 transparent and accessible; promoting the implementation of SDG 12 through existing communities of practice; and informing voluntary national reviews, international programming, and national policy processes.
The event of 1 hour and 15 minutes will feature:
5-10 min: Keynote
- David Jensen (UNEP, Head of Digital Transformation)
5 min: Virtual Tour of the Hub
50 min: Roundtable
- International Resource Panel, Co-Chair Mr. Janez Potočnik
- UNCTAD, Head of Investment Research Branch, Richard Bolwijn
- Colombia, Ms. Karen Lizeth Chavez Quintero, Director’s Advisor, National Administrative Department of Statistics of Colombia – DANE
- United Arab Emirates, Ms. Aliya AlMarzooqi and Ms. Abeer Alaysah
- Finland, Ms. Annika Lindblom, Secretary General, National Commission on Sustainable Development, Counsellor, Ministry of the Environment, Finland (tbc)
5 min: Closing remarks
- Sheila Aggarwal-Khan (TBC) (UNEP, Director, Economy Division)
The roundtable will focus on: the importance of tracking SDG 12; the importance of accessible and transparent data for national policy development; and the potential of the SDG 12 Hub as a tool to guide national interventions on SCP.
The SDG 12 Hub will be launched at HLPF as a beta version. The months of July-August will act as a live user-testing phase where direct interactions with key stakeholders will serve as the basis for further improvements to the Hub in 2021-2022.
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