The event creates an international learning opportunity for those interested in restorative justice and its high-quality applications in different contexts.
It includes two parallel courses led by experienced trainers. These courses invite participants to develop and strengthen their skills, get a hands-on experience of good practices, to get challenged by complex questions, and inspired by innovative and nuanced methods. The event also offers common learning activities for the participants of all courses to allow cross-disciplinary exchange and shared learning experience.
The courses
A) Restorative Justice and Imprisonment (with trainers Dr Bart Claes and Roberto Moreno)
B) Basic Restorative Training Skills (with trainers Gael Cochrane and Tom Mellor)
Early bird registration was available until 15 December 2024. Currently both courses are fullm however, you can sign up for the waiting list. The registration closes completely on 28th of January 2025 (or in case of full house).
The European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) is an international network organisation connecting members active in the field of restorative justice as practitioners, academics and policy makers throughout Europe and beyond. We promote research, policy and practice development so that every person may have access to high quality restorative justice services, at any time and in any case. Our main focus is on the application of restorative justice to criminal matters but other areas, such as family, school and community mediation, are not excluded.
The EFRJ does not defend any one ‘best practice’ model of restorative justice, but recognises that restorative justice is an evolving approach. However, it is essential that any restorative service should be based on core restorative values and principles and should adhere to standards of good practice. Learn more about our recommendations for values and standards of restorative practices. →