PRESS RELEASE: Report on Leadership of the United Nations by Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

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The report organizes contributions beginning with a broad exploration of what principled leadership at the UN entails, and how leadership can build consensus to address global challenges and strengthen multilateralism


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The Center for Creative Leadership, one of the most authoritative leadership and personal development organization, is sharing some interesting articles on leadership in the times of corona virus.

WHO Health Alert brings COVID-19 facts to billions via WhatsApp

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the World Health Organization (WHO) has launched dedicated messaging services in Arabic, English, French and Spanish, partnering with WhatsApp and Facebook to keep people safe from coronavirus. This easy-to-use messaging service has the potential to reach 2 billion people and allows WHO to get information directly into the hands of the people that need it, the UN health agency says.

PRESS RELEASE: UN human rights office calls for compassion following Rohingya deaths at sea

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The UN human rights office (OHCHR), is calling for compassion for people desperately seeking shelter, after 30 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar died on a boat in the Bay of Bengal that had spent nearly two months at sea.


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The Asia Venture Philanthropy Network is organizing is annual conference on line this year. AVPN sees "social investment as a continuum that encompasses everything from philanthropy and venture philanthropy to impact investing, CSR and sustainable investment. We call this the "Continuum of Capital".

Policy Brief: Review of the High-Level Political Forum: towards a pivotal institution coordinating the Decade of Action and Delivery (IDDR)I

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Elisabeth Hege, Damien Barchiche, Lucien Chabason wrote for IDDRI a review on the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), the mechanism set up by the UN to monitor the progress of member states towards the implementation of the SDGs.

Violence acceleration during Pandemics

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This article is about the contemporary issues of women and girls gender based violence survivors during pandemic and inefficient responses of authorities.

PRESS RELEASE: Colombia: Indigenous Peoples will die from COVID-19 or from hunger if the state does not act immediately

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If the authorities do not take urgent action, Indigenous Peoples will find themselves at a crossroads facing two unthinkable paths: starve or die of the pandemic Fernanda Doz Costa, deputy Americas director at Amnesty International

Open letter: the EU must not sit idly by while a Member State’s democracy is in jeopardy

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The following letter, signed by 80 MEPs and civil society groups, was sent to the presidents of the European Commission and Council to protest the emergency powers in Hungary.

ONE World: Global pandemic demands global response

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ONE WORLD, the global anti poverty campaign is promoting a a global response that put poor and vulnerable people at the center of all the efforts to fight covid 19 and its consequences.
