After receiving hundreds of applications to the Democracy Pioneers award, Nesta selected 19 organisations to be the Democracy Pioneers. These innovators are working in fresh and creative ways to shake up democracy and civic participation. If mainstreamed, these innovations have the potential to reconnect people meaningfully to democracy, and better enable people to participate in and influence the issues that affect their lives. Through the programme, Nesta worked with these innovators to better understand barriers and opportunities for democractic innovation in the UK, and uncover where they felt shifts and impact would be possible, and vital, in the coming years.
Working together, the Democracy Pioneers, researchers, practitioners and experts in the field explored ideas, visions, trends and scenarios for more vibrant, local, everyday democracy in the near future. These scenarios can be explored in our interactive experience, everyday democracy.
"DeDemocracy too often feels disconnected to the very real things that shape all of our lives – health and social care, education, housing, safety, the economy and our neighbourhoods."
We’d love you to share your vision or ideas on social media at #democracypioneers. What would you shift? What would need to change? How might this be done?
The future of everyday democracy
The Democracy Pioneers award brought together innovations experimenting with ways to reshape and re-energise civic participation and everyday democracy in the UK. As part of the programme, we wanted to champion and promote their innovative work.
We asked each of the Pioneers what they hoped to see shift for their work to grow and make a big impact. This series of blogs shares their experience and insight.
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