Thursday 19th April we hosted 14 short-listed teams at TACSI for a Power-Up Workshop. The purpose of the Power-Up was to build the capability of teams to better understand the needs and wants of the people their ideas are for. This phase was designed to be consistent with the Challenge’s overall focus on learning and co-design.
After this session, the teams will re-engaging with their respective user-groups to further develop their existing ideas. The next stage involves refining their ideas and pitching it to a panel of judges at an event being held at TACSI on May 24. At the conclusion of the event, the teams who demonstrate the most potential will receive a share in $100,000 grant funding from Office for the Ageing (OFTA) and ongoing mentoring from TACSI to implement their idea.
The Creating Better Neighbourhoods – Innovation in Ageing Challenge is being run in partnership by TACSI and OFTA. The purpose of the Challenge is to find and incubate ideas that can create connected communities where older people can thrive. For more information visit
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