Congratulation to Sudarshan Subedi

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Sudershan Subedi is the president of National Federation of the Disabled Nepal (NFDN). He has been working with Handicap International since many years and has been promoting the rights and policies of people with disability.
Sudarshan Subedi was eight years old when he found out that he has been suffering from polio. Now, polio has been his part of life. As he got affected by the polio, he was forced to drop studying. His father who always supported him admitted him to the school he had opened. Whenever Sudaarshan saw the people like him being mistreated, he felt bad and always dreamed of working for their justice.
Sudarshan Subedi was inspired by the work done by Red Cross Society and Reuikai. In 2000, he established Disabled Human Rights Centre (DHRC) in a hope to change the people’s thought regarding the people with disability. As he started working with people with disability, he realised that disability is not a curse. Working for people with disability brought him many benefits in his life. It gave him earnings to raise his poor family, he also learned many new skills and also got to know his community and also society where he resides. He then started working to stand the people with disability as an individual in the society so they can stand on their own feet and enjoy the rights they are blessed with. Thinking that study of law could help him to advocate the disabled law, he chose to get degree on law. His Thesis, “Legal Provision for disabled people” has been published and distributed to many libraries across the world so one can get better information regarding the laws of people with disability.
Sudarshan Subedi stands as an example for the entire world. Being called as one of the people with disability, his hard work has lead him to stand as the leader of people with disability.
We, the ENGAGE member would like to congratulate MR. Sudarshan Subedi for being re-elected as the President of NFDN for three years in the occasion of 16th Annual General Meeting and 7th General election of central board in Pokhara on 26th and 27th December,2015. Reading his life history, one can get motivation to stand for onself. If you, will to do anything, believe in yourself and work hard. No one can stop you from getting the success you wished for.

source:articles and news published in various newspaper and internet


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