Multistakeholder Dialogue on the “Role of Sport in Addressing Inequalities in times of Crisis and Recovery”, 12th april 8 am ET

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The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD), having the substantive mandate globally on sport for development and peace is organizing the second Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on The Role of Sport in Addressing Inequalities in Times of Crisis and Recovery.

Supporting the home learning environment (NESTA UK)

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This project started in October 2021 and ended in January 2022 and was implemented by NESTA, the British Social Innovation agency in partnership with Save the Children in Wales

Why climate must count when it comes to plastic treaty (WWF)

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he contribution that the plastics industry makes to climate change must be considered if we are to achieve the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement, writes Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, WWF Global Lead Climate & Energy.

Leveraging Singapore’s Resources and Ecosystem to Grow Your Philanthropy in Asia (AVPN)

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The event organized by the Asia Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) will be held on the 13th of April (GMT +8). AVPN, supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), is launching “Philanthropy Handbook: Giving Effectively from Singapore to Asia-Pacific”, a handbook that offers guidance to current and new philanthropists on starting or expanding their giving journey from Singapore.

Less than half of countries are implementing learning recovery strategies at scale to help children catch up (UNICEF)

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Statement by UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education Stefania Giannini; UNICEF Director of Education Robert Jenkins; World Bank Global Director for Education Jaime Saavedra

UNESCO World Higher Education Conference 2022

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UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022) aims at reshaping ideas and practices in higher education to ensure sustainable development for the planet and humanity. The conference will happen in Barcelona between 18 to 20 of May 2022.


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Among the main results of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council - Education and Youth, held under the France Presidency of the European Council on the 6th of April, there is a lot of attention on volunteerism.

Oxfam reaction to the IPCC’s Working Group III report on climate change mitigation ( Published: 4th April 2022)

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"“This monumental climate report is distressing but it is not surprising. Scientists and the IPCC have been warning governments of this danger for decades. Our future lies in the decisions we make today. We cannot tackle climate change later. We must clamp down on emissions now or face more catastrophic climate disasters, season after season.”

The High-Level Expert Group on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities (HLEG)

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To develop stronger and clearer standards for net-zero emissions pledges by non-State entities – including businesses, investors, cities and regions – and speed up their implementation, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on 31 March 2022 established a High-Level Expert Group on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities.
