AVPN Southeast Asia Summit 2021 (26 - 27 OCTOBER 2021 10AM - 4PM SGT INDONESIA | SINGAPORE | ONLINE)

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The Asian Decade

The Covid-19 pandemic has upended our lives over the past months. We live in challenging times and there is certainly much to be frustrated about - Lives are lost, health and safety are a concern and restrictions prevent us from meeting one another in person.

However, as the saying goes: We can be the change we wish to see.

AVPN recently met up with some of our members across Southeast Asia to find out what some of our members are doing to not only build back better but also build forward better.

If irritated oysters can make pearls, what are passionate, frustrated, determined, and innovative social investors able to create in response?

Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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About Us

The idea is simple: creating an open “Portal” where engaged and committed citizens who feel to share their ideas and offer their opinions on development related issues have the opportunity to do...


Please fell free to contact us. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.

Empowered by ENGAGE,
Toward the Volunteering Inspired Society.