Coronavirus Global Response: €7.4 billion raised for universal access to vaccines

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Overall €7.4 billion, equivalent to $8 billion, in pledges from donors worldwide during the Coronavirus Global Response pledging event.

Announcement of the 2020 Pulitzer Prize Winners

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This year the most prestigious journalism award administered by Columbia University is awarding stories who had a real impact like a last minute reporting on how the Governor of Kentucky was conducting the pardons' reviews; international reporting from the New York Times and the Washington Post for its reporting on climate change among others.

Earth School Initiative launched

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The curated Earth School content features videos, reading materials and activities — which will be translated into 10 languages — to help students gain an understanding of the environment while considering their role within it. This is the biggest online learning initiative in UNEP’s history and is available for free on TED-Ed’s website.

TODAY GLOBAL FUNDRAING "Coronavirus Global Response Online Pledging Event"

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The global coronavirus pandemic requires a global response. The world quickly needs to develop and deploy effective diagnostics, treatments and a vaccine. Without them, every country in the world remains vulnerable. Countries and organisations around the world are joining forces to ensure that not only do we develop these life-saving tools but that are universally available and affordable

COVID-19 does not mean climate action is on hold (FROM UNEP)

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"A new report by the Paris-based think tank I4CE Institute for Climate Economics, titled Investing in climate can help France drive its economic recovery, calls for a public finance package of 7 billion euros which it believes could trigger 19 billion euros of additional public and private investment".

European Leaders united: The global response: Working together to help the world get better

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Oped co-authored by Giuseppe Conte, President of the Government of the Italian Republic, Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Charles Michel, President of the European Council, Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Norway and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.

Virtual Schools: Intensifying Digital Divide and Educational Inequality or Promoting Learning Opportunities?

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Amidst school closures due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, some experts suggest running classes online, while others are concerned about exacerbating impacts it may have on the pre-existing educational inequalities and the digital divide. The article argues that this time should be taken as an opportunity to decide the face of future learning and introduce digital education.


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The app set up by the government of India is not accessible to persons with disabilities, especially those with hearing and visual impairment reports The Hindu.

U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee Joins Nation In Promoting Mental Health Awareness Month

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The United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee joins the nationwide movement to promote Mental Health Awareness Month in May through its “We Are Team USA” campaign. The promotion of “in this together” is focused on raising awareness around mental health resources and needs within the Team USA community, promoting a culture that encourages proactively seeking and delivering mental health support

World Press Freedom Day: 2020 Theme: Journalism without Fear or Favour

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On May 3, national and local celebrations for World Press Freedom Day will take place around the world, some in the form of online debates and workshops."As the [COVID-19] pandemic spreads, it has also given rise to a second pandemic of misinformation, from harmful health advice to wild conspiracy theories. The press provides the antidote: verified, scientific, fact-based news and analysis"
