The fourth informal consultations will focus on how the ACE work programme will be implemented, including inputs from the expert group meetings, and possible next steps. Draft guiding questions:
- How might support to implementation be reflected in the successor work programme?
- 5 and 10 years have been proposed as suitable timeframes for a future work programme. Which do you prefer? When and how should review on progress happen in each time frame?
Activity series to advance discussions on the review of the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention and on future work to enhance the implementation of Action for Climate Empowerment
The Bureau at its meeting on 25 February requested the presiding officers to make available a plan of upcoming activities in preparation for a successful COP 26 in November 2021. Following this guidance, the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, Ms. Marianne Karlsen, Norway, is convening a series of activities, including informal consultations, technical expert meetings and other events.
Context: The COP requested the SBI, at its 52nd session, to launch the review of the implementation of the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention (thereafter referred to as the review), and to consider future work to enhance the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement, following the review, and to prepare a draft decision for consideration and adoption at COP 26.1
With the postponement of in-person sessions in 2020, the review could not be formally launched. However, activities in support of the review could be initiated in 2020 by the the SBI Chair under the overarching principle of maximizing progress and minimizing delay as agreed by the Bureau at its meeting on 25 August 2020. Such activities included the virtual regional and global 8th ACE Dialogue events2 and the first virtual informal consultation organised under the guidance of the SBI Chair on 3 December 2020.
In 2021, given the continued uncertainty about how the pandemic will evolve, the SBI Chair continues to be guided by the same principle and is proposing a series of activities in preparation for the next session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation. The proposed activity series aims to build on the two reports3 prepared by the secretariat in accordance with the terms of reference4 on the review of the Doha work programme, the virtual regional and global 8th ACE Dialogue events and the first virtual informal consultation by the SBI Chair referred to above..
A mixed mode of technical events and virtual informal consultations will be utilised. Technical events are intended to raise awareness and provide opportunities for specific content elements to be discussed in more detail to support focused discussions in the virtual informal consultations. The focus of each virtual informal consultation aims to build on the technical events and previous informal consultations.
Technical events and consultations will be open to Parties and observers.
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