In this context, the 5th Global Conference represented an opportunity to assess progress made towards achieving the goals of Target 8.7, discuss good practices implemented by the different actors around the world and to identify gaps and urgent measures needed to accelerate the elimination of both child labour and forced labour.
The elimination of child labour as a condition to positive labour market performance with a human-centered approach (education, skills development, life-long learning and school-to-decent work transition, depending on the age group);
The Global Conference included 28 side events, one-hour sessions that allow Delegates to further share knowledge and experiences related to the main topics addressed in the event. Side events were organized in-person in Durban, in hybrid format (in person and virtual) or online only.
The high prevalence of child labour in agriculture, which is closely linked to poverty, informality and family survival strategies;
The formalization of the informal economy and the creation of decent work;
The need for additional resources and targeted policies addressing the root causes of child labour and forced labour and the provision of adequate funding;
The challenge of COVID-19 eventually reverting years of progress in the fight against child labour, forced labour and child trafficking;
The rich experience the regions are bringing to the Conference, with the opportunity to highlight the specific contributions of the African region;
The value added of pledges and action-oriented, time-bound commitments of the international community towards the achievement of SDG target 8.7.
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