Green sports stadiums growing in US

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More arenas and stadiums across the US are putting environmentally-friendly practices at the forefront.

International IDEA and UNDP ignite a new stage of collaboration

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International IDEA, together with UNDP, hosted the kick-off meeting of the joint workplan for the operationalization of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between both institutions last September 2022, in the margins of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 77).

Economic costs of weather-related disasters soars but early warnings save lives (World Meteorological Organization)

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Geneva, 22 May 2023 (WMO) - Extreme weather, climate and water-related events caused 11 778 reported disasters between 1970 and 2021, with just over 2 million deaths and US$ 4.3 trillion in economic losses, according to a new figure from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Thriving: Making Cities Green, Resilient, and Inclusive in a Changing Climate (WB)

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New analysis from the World Bank examines the two-way relationship between cities and climate change, concluding that cities also hold one of the keys to solving the climate crisis. With data from more than 10,000 cities, the report offers insight into how to help cities become greener, more resilient, and more inclusive – in other words, on how to help their cities thrive – in a changing climate.

Harnessing Technology & Reducing Research Inequality in the Global South (IAVE WEB BINAR)

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Join us on Wednesday, June 7th for part three of IAVE's 5-part webinar series, Decolonizing & Repositioning Volunteering for Development Series.

UN Financing for Development Forum 2023: The road towards global economic solutions

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By Iolanda Fresnillo, Tove Ryding (EURODAD). Positive outcomes include the welcoming of intergovernmental discussions on tax in the outcome document.

Report launch: Spotlight on Global Multilateralism

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This new report Spotlight on Global Multilateralism offers critical analyses and presents recommendations for strengthening democratic multilateral structures and policies. Its contributors cover key areas such as peace and common security, reforms of the global financial architecture, calls for a New Social Contract, an inclusive digital future, the rights of future generations and...

Zero Draft of SDG Summit Political Declaration Turns Our World Towards 2030

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The political declaration of the 2023 UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), meeting under the auspices of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in September, is under discussion among UN Member States in “zero draft” form. The next consultation on the draft Political Declaration will convene on 24 May.

Our Lakes are drying up

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From Science Magazine: "The amount of water stored in large lakes has decreased over the past three decades due to both human and climatic drivers."

Global Accessibility Awareness Day

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Thursday, May 18, 2023, help us celebrate the 12th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)! The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion, and the more than One Billion people with disabilities/impairments.
