AVPN: Financing the Care Economy in the Global South: Investment Opportunities and Pathways

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The main aim of this knowledge paper is for investors and policy-makers to understand the opportunities and pathways in driving investment into the care economy. This paper also uncovers barriers and provide recommendations on channeling more capital into the care economy, critical to unlocking women’s economic empowerment and to developing thriving and sustainable economies.

Global Inclusive Finance Summit 2023 (Dec 12-13 2023)

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The Inclusive Finance India Summit is a global convening designed to promote dialogue and enable action guided by the goal of achieving financial inclusion in an empathetic, inclusive, and responsible manner.

EU: Digital Services Act does not provide a green light for platform blocking

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ARTICLE 19, together with partner organisations, is concerned about recent comments made by European Commissioner Thierry Breton that the Digital Services Act (DSA) provides for the possibility of shutting down online platforms as a sanction for failing to remove “hateful content”.

Spreading the word about steps to stop contamination

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Solongo Otgonbayar is an environmental scientist from Mongolia who works to engage and educate young people about chemicals and waste issues, including risks related to the disposal of medicines. In an interview before the GEF Assembly, she described what motivates her to support youth advocacy around environmental priorities, especially those affecting water.

INTERNATIONAL IDEA: Effects of the Conflict on the Legal and Constitutional Framework in Sudan (TODAY)

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International IDEA invites you to a virtual panel discussion to address crucial questions related to the armed conflict in Sudan, on the 1st of August, 18:30 (GTM +2, Sudan Time). The panel discussion will focus on the priorities for each of the relevant actors in Sudan or outside Sudan to ensure an end to the armed conflict and a return to a democratic process and pathway in Sudan.

Oxfam reaction to the UN Global Hunger report: ending hunger is possible but requires bold collective action

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Published: 12th July 2023 Learn more HUNGER IN A HEATING WORLD In reaction to the publicaiton today of the FAO’s “State of Food Insecurity and Nutrition in the World 2023” report, stating that up to 783 million people faced hunger in 2022, and that 600 million people will be chronically undernourished by 2030....

[Joint Statement] Singapore: Online Criminal Harms Act another legal instrument to suppress civic space

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(Bangkok/Jakarta, 10 July 2023) The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation are deeply concerned over Singapore’s recently passed Online Criminal Harms Act.

UNDP deploys record US$500 million of Global Environment Facility funds to ramp up the fight against biodiversity loss and climate change

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The Global Environment Facility (GEF) pledged the highest funding in its history through its US$1.4 billion Trust Fund and the Least Developed Countries Fund, directing more than US$500 million to support 88 countries through the United Nations Development Programme
