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There is no equitable access to receive quality health care services in rural and urban areas Nepal. The government of Nepal has policy of establishing Birthing Center (BC) in each health facilities but it is not available though. Policy does not work itself but it should be implemented honestly. The national health indicators are very poor to achievement the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).

Let a former PM lead the SAARC

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Only a recognized, experienced political figure like a former PM from the region should be appointed as Secretary General of SAARC. This strategic shift can contribute immensely to bring some relevancy to the bloc

Mental Health-Exorcising the Demons

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Mental health is a major issue in the developing world, yet most people have little awareness or access

Social Work In Nepal and Nepal School of Social Work

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Hello every one: 

Warm greetings. In this vedio i share my greetings and wishes on the 10th foundation day of Nepal School of Sociall Work ( NSSW). This is an initiative to strengthen social work education in Nepal and in the South Asia Region. Hope you have 6 minutes of your time to watch this vedio and most welcome to give your comments. Thank you and Warmest Greetings. 

Clarity about volunteerism ( Part I)

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if we want to enhance the field of volunteerism in Nepal, we need to reach some sort of common understanding on its domains, limits and key features.

An Open Letter to President Obama

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This is what I feel Mr. Obama needs to do


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I feel so much love here just makes me want to cry

#InternetSlowdown Day is September 10, 2014.

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"Slow lanes would change the Internet and free speech forever. Tell the lawmakers: Protect Internet freedom. Defend net neutrality!"


Battle For the Net:


"The Internet Slowdown starts at midnight eastern time on September 10, and runs through midnight on September 11."

Nepal's Development Tragedy: Threats and Possibilities by Bishwambher Pyakurel [Book recommendation!]

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"Nepal's Development Tragedy: Threats and Possibilities was to find out which factors - capital, policy, governance or institution were constraints to Nepal's development. Detailed analysis on Nepal's development experiments, agriculture, food security, infrastructure, unemployment, states restructuring and fiscal federalism and inclusive growth is made on the authors' applied research conducted for various UN agencies.

Mainstreaming ideals of empowerment: A knowledge gap? | Veneeta Singha

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"The normative crisis of the Information Society" has also, organically, sought a new resolution and a reorientation (for both for-profit and non-profit sectors).
