Pre-Summit for Democracy Dialogue In Defense of Democracy – Citizens Summit On Democracy

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The Global Democracy Coalition is holding the Pre-Summit for Democracy Dialogue (S4D) around citizens engagement in democracy in Lusaka, Zambia, on 27 and 28 March 2023.

ICJ publishes a new set of legal principles to address the harmful human rights impact of unjustified criminalization of individuals and entire communities

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The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) launched a new set of legal principles elaborated by jurists for a human rights-based approach to criminal laws proscribing conduct associated with sex, reproduction, drug use, HIV, homelessness and poverty.

EU SWEDISH PRESIDENCY: Conference on prevention models to address the demand that fosters trafficking for sexual purposes

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29 - 30 March 2023The conference brings together government representatives of some of the Member States as well as experts from public authorities, civil society and international organisations for an evidence-based discussion on prevention models to counter exploitation and combat the demand for trafficking in human beings for sexual purposes.

The Unlonely Planet 2022 How Ashoka Fellows Accelerate an Everyone a Changemaker™ World

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How are Ashoka Fellows engaging individuals as changemakers? What strategies do they use to build partnerships that inspire both changemakers and solutions? How are they changing systems to create a world in which everyone can contribute, and therefore, thrive?

Climate in court: The Paris Agreement’s role in safeguarding human rights (CLIMATE CHANGE NEWS)

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"The European court on Human Rights will rule on whether climate inaction breaches human rights and the case will have global implications"

Right to repair: Commission introduces new consumer rights for easy and attractive repairs

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The European Commission adopted a new proposal on common rules promoting the repair of goods, which will result in savings for consumers and support the objectives of the European Green Deal by reducing waste, among others

Nominations open for UNEP’s 2023 Champions of the Earth Award with a focus on plastic pollution solutions.

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The Champions of the Earth award honours individuals, groups, and organizations whose actions have a transformative impact on the environment. Nominations are open from 14 March to 14 April 2023.

UN 2023 Water Conference: Summary from IISD's Earth Negotiation Bulletin

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"If the 2023 UN Water Conference represented just one opportunity for transformation, delegates would surely have left disappointed. Even taken all together, the many commitments, new ideas, emerging partnerships, and positive momentum are unlikely to be sufficient to deliver on SDG 6. "

APFSD10: Side Events In Person and Virtual

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The Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) is an annual, inclusive intergovernmental forum to support follow-up and review of progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the regional level, while serving as a regional preparatory meeting to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF).

Mozambique: JP Morgan accused of financing climate chaos & prolonging civil unrest and using unstable situations to force fossil fuel projects; JP Morgan did not respond

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This worrying news from the Business & Human Rights Resource Center "shows a new case study and video from Mozambique exposes how this financing also prolongs civil unrest, using unstable situations to force fossil fuel projects."
