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S4G, the un-mediated, not moderated social platform

Have you ever thought you have something to “express” with a social dimension but never had the opportunity to do it?

Then S4G is what you are looking for:

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Disability Sports in India

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Bringing disability sports throughout India

Nepal Picture Library Year-End Print Sale [Crowdfunding Announcement]

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Please support Nepal Picture Library by purchasing a print or something from the new line of merchandise!! To view the print gallery, please visit: http://support.nepalpicturelibrary.org
Help spread the word by sharing this link with friends and family. Also, if you would like to support through other ways, NPL is open to ideas! Drop a line at mail@nepalpicturelibrary.org Thank you for your continued support!

Guilty of Torture

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The recently released US Senate Intelligence Report on Torture should surprise no one.  There is so much hate, discrimination, prejudice and murdering of so called "others", just because they don't believe what we believe.  The US should take no pride in how we've spread torture techniques throughout the world.  In a CNN piece on World reaction to the Report we find

Indo centric South Asia

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Since the independence of Indian sub continent from colonial powers the region has always been indo centric. Even though all other seven member states have national sovereignty and equal independent presence in South Asia, India still seems to be in the spot light.

“Everybody Can Serve”- Celebrating the Power of Inclusive Volunteering

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ENGAGE together with the support of VSO/ICS celebrating a power of inclusive volunteering to promote awareness about people with disabilities can be active agents of change through volunteerism. Also bringing all the organizations and institutions working in disability and other fields together in order to create more inclusive society by providing a platform to have new partnership.

Kidney patients infected with hepatitis. Let’s get the Government pay the bill

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In world where fairness and justice prevail, common sense would prevail too and accidents like the one recently happened at the Human Organ Transplant Center should be addressed with max urgency. It does not happen only in Nepal, it can happen also in more developed countries but the rule of law would prevail and impose justice and fairness. Let’s demand it.

Abortion, a question of morality and human right (abridged)

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photo from Rappler.com
Abortion is a criminal act in the Philippines. Still it takes place across economic strata and educational levels. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law passed in 2012 seen by its advocates as a measure to prevent abortion by providing citizens with adequate and proper sexuality education and access to contraceptives has yet to be implemented.

The Government of Nepal should endorse the National Volunteering Policy asap

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Nepal is well positioned to be a leader in the promotion of volunteering sector within SAARC Region but first it must get approved its draft National Volunteering Policy

The problem with aid? That it must be spent at all cost.

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One of the problems with aid money is that resources must be spent. One of the reasons for this is that there is a great deal of pressures (and interests) from many sides about spending money even when it would be much better keeping them on hold.


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        She is the role of model, a mother to the orphans, a light of hope for the women rescued from darkness and a true civilian to the country. A thin women in her late fifties she looks much younger than her age. She make a deep confidence on people heart that humanity still exist. A person is there who still has time for others and who still fights for the rights of women. She is well known social activist known around the world; she is the legend-Anuradha Koirala.

Stills from "YERMA: A poetic tragedy in Nepali"

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"Following the much praised production of In the Red and Brown Water, this OWT paired production shares the theme of a woman yearning for a child and searching for a self-identity. The play has tremendous resonance in Nepal where a woman is often defined by her role as a wife and mother, and a childless woman can be devalued and replaced by a second wife.

Celebrating International Volunteer Day 2014 in Kathmandu

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Today we celebrate International Day of Volunteer.  It should be a big deal for many of us as the role of volunteers not only in Nepal but also all over the world should be always recognized and appreciated. Yet who is a volunteer? How can we define a person as a volunteer?

Part time, full time, formal, informal, religious, and traditional or even political activism?

There are so many ways to look at volunteerism.

मेरो जिन्दगी, मेरै मर्जी

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विपश्यनाको पछिलो बसाईको अन्तिम दिन एक फ्रेन्च महिलासँग मेरो परिचय भयो। उमेरले ५० काटेकी उनले विवाह गरेकी थिइनन्। मैले सोधे, 'तिम्रो परिवारले विवाहको लागि प्रेसर दिदैनन्?' उनले उल्टो आश्चर्य मान्दै भनिन्,'जिन्दगी मेरो हो। विवाह गरुँ या नगरुँ, अरुले किन प्रेसर दिने?'

सहभागिता हो यौनसम्बन्ध- 'गिभ एण्ड टेक'

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प्रेम सदावहार विषय हो। त्यसैले पनि प्रेमको बारेमा कुरा गर्न हामी अलि बढी नैै लालायित हुन्छौँ। हरेक जोडीको प्रेमभावका पछाडि यौन लुकेकै हुन्छ। यौन बारेको सार्वजनिक छलफल भने हाम्रो समाजमा अपाच्य छ।

Partnerships, Customer Service and Kindness

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A tale about a donation from the US to Nepal

Turning Private Schools in Cooperative? Better Turning Them in Social Enterprises

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Both public, community managed schools and private schools are part of the same public education system. Private schools can be part of a new wave of social impact investment that is spreading all around the developing world: making profit but at the same time ensuring a social impact in the community.


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Review of the movie, Innocent Voices.

Reflecting on the SAARC Summit and the overall regional integration process, Interview with Ambassador (retd) Deo, Director, Gateway House


I had the opportunity to take part at a Panel Discussion on "Expectations from the 18th SAARC Summit" that was jointly organized by the Center for South Asian Studies in partnership with COSATT, south regional think tank network with the support of Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Among the panelists, Ambassador (retd) Neelam Deo that after a distinguished career in the Indian foreign affair service that included diplomatic posting in West Africa, Europe and USA, is one of the drivers of the Gateway House, a leading international relation think tank based in Mumbai. Ambassador Deo offered her views on the current status of the regional integration process, highlighting the important role that religion can play to further create a common identity.

Ambassador Deo kindly accepted to be interviewed by S4G.
