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S4G, the un-mediated, not moderated social platform

Have you ever thought you have something to “express” with a social dimension but never had the opportunity to do it?

Then S4G is what you are looking for:

  • Open, unrestricted and easy to use
  • Three mediums to choose from: TEXT, VIDEO, PHOTO
  • A way to express your ideas, reflections and expertise, on social issues and broader development and society at large
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The Sacrament of the Goddess by Joe Niemczura [New Book Alert]

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"The Sacrament of the Goddess is a work of fiction set in Nepal around the time of the civil war. It is set in a hospital in rural Nepal run by Christian Missionaries,  which has seen better days. There is only one missionary doctor left, and she is part of a team of Nepali and Indian doctors. The book follows a young American surgeon who joins them. It turns out that he has a  past connection with the hospital, including a steamy relationship with a Nepali woman when he was there ten years before. She seems to have disappeared."


Promoting Volunteerism in SAARC

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Can volunteerism push forward the regional integration process? What's about the idea of a SAARC Volunteering Corp program? And the idea of having a regional network of organization in South Asia promoting volunteerism and pushing for more cooperation in the sector? This article was published first on the The Kathmandu Post on 18th of January, 2015 under the title 'For One Another"

A book launch at Patan Durbar Square in January | Veneeta Singha

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I waited at the beautiful square today for a book launch. As the sun streamed in through the scaffolds, I discovered its wonders again. Joe Niemczura's new book 'The Sacrament of the Goddess' finds an eternally relevant space in Patan.

Differences in living

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While on a trip to Panauti village, I met this man and saw a shack he called his "home". He shared that he had constructed this house himself. While in the urban area, we look for latest gadgets and never ending comforts. We embrace our humanity by sharing pics on facebook whereas in the rural area, there isn’t even proper place to shelter their head and protect themselves from  the heat and the cold.

DEVELOPMENT | Society for International Development [Journal Recommendation]

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'Development was founded in 1957 as the journal of the Society for International Development. Since then, the journal has provided a space for debate and cross-fertilization on the most topical issues in the development arena. By providing articles by a wide variety of actors such as development practitioners, academics and activists, it has brought to international attention issues that were left on the margins, being one of the first publications to talk about gender issues or the link between development and the environment.'

Water.org - Donate Your Voice [Crowdsourcing Announcement]

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'For more than twenty years Water.org has worked with local partners and communities to solve the water and sanitation crisis. Over 75,000 people have donated their online voice to help inform and educate others online. When you tell your social networks about the water crisis, you are helping others become more aware of the challenges associated with not having access to safe water and sanitation.'

कालिमाटी का दृश्यहरु| माघ ८|

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कालिमाटी का दृश्यहरु| माघ ८| Scenes in Kalimati, Kathmandu on Magh 8.

Growing World Divides: It's Not Cool to be Poor

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President Obama's recent State of the Union, Oxfam's recent report on wealth and a note from a cousin.

The Stream App | Al Jazeera [App Recommendation]

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'The Stream App is a new way to watch and participate in live Stream. It creates a unique community around the live show.'


More at: http://stream.aljazeera.com/projects/app/

Burn Ward of Bheri Zonal Hospital Nepalgunj

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Last week, I went to the  burn ward of Bheri Zonal Hospital, Nepalgunj. I met with two kids who caught fire in their home. There is a small room with 6 beds. An AC is attached on the wall, but not in function since long time. I have taken few monochrome (B/W) pictures. Here are some pics from my collection.


La.Lit Magazine [Crowdsourcing Literature]

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'La.Lit is a literary magazine that celebrates the beauty of writing. We believe in the power of stories to change people’s lives, and feature original and translated fiction, non-fiction, and poetry; photography and graphic art; and exclusive interviews and news from the world of literature. We publish in English and Nepali, but welcome translations from other languages. We aim to bring contemporary achievements in world literature to Nepal and, equally, take Nepali and South Asian literature to the world.

How to Live Your Dream of Volunteering Overseas By Joeseph Collins and Zahara Heckscher [Book Spotlight]

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'Learning Service co-authors, Joeseph Collins and Zahara Heckscher, along with Stefano DeZerega, co-wrote “How to Live Your Dream of Volunteering Overseas”. Check it out, while you’re waiting for the new Learning Service book to come out. The book includes
• Pros and cons of the Peace Corps
• Evaluations of over 80 other volunteer programs
• Tips on selecting and preparing for a volunteer program 
• Instructive stories including “Volunteers from Hell” and “10 Worst Reasons to Volunteer Abroad”

Rethinking International Volunteering: Interview with Claire Bennett, Co-Founder, Learning Service and Co-Author of Re-Thinking International Volunteering

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Claire is one of the co-founder of Learning Service, an advocacy group to “Rethink Volunteer Travel” (http://learningservice.info/).With a group of peers, Claire is writing a book “Rethinking International volunteering” that promises to offer a paradigm change in the way international volunteering is experienced. This is fist of a two part interview. The next will be published on 27th of January
