
Corruption and inequality: how populists mislead people (ESSSAY FROM TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL)

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Interesting essay to explain the foundation of the Corruption Perception Index 2016

Corruption Perceptions Index 2016

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This year’s results highlight the connection between corruption and inequality, which feed off each other to create a vicious circle between corruption, unequal distribution of power in society, and unequal distribution of wealth.


DFID can certainly do more against corruption but it needs political coverage

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“We saw very little evidence that the work DFID is doing to combat corruption is successfully addressing the impact of corruption as experienced by the poor” These words come from an official evaluation on DFID’s work to fight corruption. But can donors be successful in fighting corruption in developing countries? They can but only if they receive “cover” from their capitals.

RTI, the missing turbo accountability tool

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The 9th of July is Right to Information Day. The right to information, RTI is a fundamental tool to bring transparency and a culture of openness in the society. Much more could be done to harness its real powers.


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The world is in crisis as noted by a recent report from Maplecroft, instability is rampant.


Corruption: Curse or Crime

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The article highlights the growing cases of high voltage corruption in Nepal. It also tries to delve into the causes behind issues related with abuse of authority which is on the rise in recent times. Finally it underlines the measures that will help to crusade the ever increasing abuse of authority by high ranking officials, and high voltage scam throughout the country.


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