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S4G, the un-mediated, not moderated social platform

Have you ever thought you have something to “express” with a social dimension but never had the opportunity to do it?

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Since its inception in 2002, the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime (Bali Process) has effectively raised regional awareness of the consequences of people smuggling, trafficking in persons and related transnational crime.

new data visualization tool to identify market gaps in emerging market economies

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This new interactive site offers a visual display of the financial and nonfinancial support that organizations provide for entrepreneurs in emerging market economies. The goal of this site is to identify gaps and opportunities for the small and growing business sector.

EU-ASEAN Blue Book launched in Jakarta

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The new EU-ASEAN Blue Book 2018 was launched in Jakarta today. It demonstrates the success and benefits of the close cooperation between the EU and ASEAN countries, and that joining forces will contribute to prosperity, stability and security for all.

Presidential Leadership Scholars Graduation Program with President Bill Clinton and George W. Bush

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Presidential Leadership Scholars serves as a catalyst for a diverse network of leaders brought together to collaborate and make a difference in the world as they learn about leadership through the lens of the presidential experiences of George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Lyndon B. Johnson.

The 2018 Edelman TRUST BAROMETER

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The 2018 Edelman TRUST BAROMETER reveals a world of seemingly stagnant distrust. People’s trust in business, government, NGOs and media remained largely unchanged from 2017 — 20 of 28 markets surveyed now lie in distruster territory, up one from last year. Yet dramatic shifts are taking place at the market level and within the institution of media.

Garma Festival in Australia ( 3 TO 6 AUGUST)

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Garma is a celebration of indigenous culture, history and heritage. It is one of the biggest forum for indigenous Australian to debate and celebrate their culture. This year is the 20th anniversary.

Lending a Helping Hand Through Volunteering

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I'm doing some volunteering with seniors through the NGO, A Helping Hand in Durham, North Carolina, USA

Sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector inquiry

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Read the findings of the report prepared by International Development Committee of the British Parliament that was set up following the scandals the engulfed Oxfam. Key points Sexual exploitation and abuse is endemic across organisations, countries and institutions, Collective failure of leadership and engagement from top levels down over many years.

meet the new Ashoka Fellows 2018

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Find here the latest batch of Ashoka Fellows. our Fellows are expanding perspectives and rewriting the way things are done in every corner of the planet. Their systems-changing innovations lead to real impact and breakthroughs—like using games to craft better public policy in India or working with the military and police forces to stop gender violence in Bolivia.

What it's like being an International Student?

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It's not easy but it's not far. It's right there but a long way through the dark and up the hill. Harder and harder I work, nearer and nearer I get. SUCCESS! Oh, I wish it was not that hard to get. I should fall before I rise. I should fall, stumble upon the thorns and get to the point where I will be eaten by the bear but should not lose hope.

The 2018 Ramon Magsaysay Awardees

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From Cambodia to Timor Leste, Philipines, India and Cambodia, see here the winners of 2018 Ramon Magsaysay Awardees

Major transformations needed to put sustainable development in Asia Pacific back on track

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An High-level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York heard the outcomes of the 5th Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) – a meeting convened by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in March 2018.

Speech of Penny Mordaunt, UK Secretaty of State for International Development at Global Disability Summit

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Here the UK Secretary for International Development Speech at the Global Disability Summit. "This is not just the right thing to do for a common humanity - it is the smart thing to do. When disabled people are included great things happen"

Global Disability Summit: Civil Society Statement

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On the 26th of July, the UK and Kenyia Government in partnership with the International Disability Alliance organized the Global Disability Summit in London. Here the declaration from the civil society who gathered on the 23rd.


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This is the second part of an interview with Ian Sagar, a top wheelchair basketball player from England who plays with Briantea84. The first part of the interview was posted on 19th of July 2018.


Here some the titles won by Ian with Briantea84

State of the World's Volunteerism Report 2018 published

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In a fragile and turbulent world, volunteers are active in every major shock and stress situation experienced by communities – from earthquakes and flooding to climate change and local conflicts. Often working behind the scenes, they are the thread that binds communities together, finds the latest State of the World's Volunteerism Report 2018, published by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV).

Communiqué,G20 Finance Ministers and Central bank Governors Meeting,Buenos Aires.(Jul.21-22,2018)

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Despite no major tensions and highlighting the importance of trade as engine for global economic development, no major breakthrough happened during the summit of the financial ministers of the 20 most advanced nations.

The 2018 Global Slavery Index

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There are still 40 million slaves in the world, of which the great majority is women, over 70%."Too often, the onus of eliminating modern slavery is placed only on the countries where the crime is perpetrated. They certainly have a responsibility, but they are not alone in this regard."


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Published by Portland Communication in partnership with the University of Southern California Center for Public Diplomacy focuses on the concept of soft power that according Joseph Nye, the originator of the concept is based on political values, culture, and foreign policy.
