The idea is simple: creating an open “Portal” where engaged and committed citizens who feel to share their ideas and offer their opinions on development related issues have the opportunity to do...

Wim Lancsweert , Education Livelihood Linkage Coordinator
Sanepa, Kathmandu, Nepal
Born in Brussels, Belgium.
Degree in Economics, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA.
Started his career in Advertising as Media Marketing Manager.
Retired Executive Director Vocational Training Centre.
Currently VSO Volunteer Education Livelihood Linkage Coordinator in Nepal Linking education initiatives with livelihood opportunities to help marginalized and disadvantaged families overcome economic barriers that prevent them sending their children to school.
Visiting lecturer Dutch Studies Department University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA.
Posted Articles
Submited by: Wim Lancsweert
Post date: 16 December, 2013